Washington Yotto Ochieng(1964.10-)教授,世界頂級專家、英國帝國理工學院土木與環境工程系主任,英國皇家工程院院士。Ochieng教授在導航定位、地理信息工程(GIS)、智能交通系統(ITS)和空中交通管理(ATM)領域有着重要和持續的影響力,曾被GPS World評為全球受關注的GNSS高級專家,英國政府、歐洲議會導航交通高級顧問,獲得來自英國政府、Eurocontrol、歐洲航天局等機構提供的超過10,000,000英鎊的項目經費,享有英國皇家工程院院士、英國皇家導航學會最高榮譽哈羅德-斯班賽獎章獲得者等榮譽。
他在多個領域主持過開創性的研究,包括:全球導航衛星系統(GNSS)中的誤差修正模型、GNSS增強系統設計、下一代民用GNSS、失效模式與影響分析方法、新型陸基定位系統等。Ochieng教授率先認識到了GNSS在航空領域應用的潛力,成立一個在航空領域應用、安全與環境問題方面具有世界領先地位的研究組。在智能交通領域,Ochieng教授關于利用空間信息、衛星導航和航位推算,在交通服務的無縫定位方面做出了原創性的創新研究,他的論文赢得了在地圖匹配領域引用次數最多的地位。他對多個重要國際項目做出突出貢獻,包括:歐洲的衛星導航系統和增強系統(GALILEO/EGNOS)設計、單一歐洲天空(Single European Sky)倡議以及導航技術在智能交通中的應用。他共撰寫及合作撰寫了超過250篇論文報告,獲得多個國家與國際獎項。Ochieng于2017年入選國家高層次人才計劃,2016年入選江蘇省外專百人計劃。
1990-09至1993-06, 英國諾丁漢大學, 空間大地測量學, 博士
1989-09至1990-06, 英國諾丁漢大學, 工程測量和大地測量, 碩士
1985-09至1988-06, 肯尼亞内羅畢大學, 工程學, 學士
(1) Kyriakidis, M., Majumdar, A., Ochieng, W.Y., “Data based framework to identify the most significant performance shaping factors in railway operations”, Safety Science, 2015, Vol: 78, Pages: 60-76, ISSN: 0925-7535
(2) Sun, R., Ochieng, W.Y., Feng, S., “An integrated solution for lane level irregular driving detection on highways”, Transportation Research Part C-emerging Technologies, 2015, Vol:56, ISSN:0968-090X, Pages:61-79
(3) Schuster, W., Ochieng, W.Y., “Performance requirements of future Trajectory Prediction and Conflict Detection and Resolution tools within SESAR and NextGen: Framework for the derivation and discussion”, Journal of Air Transport Management, 2014, Vol: 35, Pages: 92-101, ISSN: 0969-699742
(4) Schuster, W., Bai, J., Feng, S., Ochieng, W.Y., “Integrity Monitoring Algorithms for Airport Surface Movement”, GPS Solutions, 16(1), (2012), 65-75.
(5) Bhatti, U, Ochieng, W.Y., Feng, S., “Performance of rate detector algorithms for an integrated GPS/INS system in the presence of slowly growing error”, GPS Solutions, 2011, DOI 10.1007/s10291-011-0231-y.
(6) Ochieng, W.Y., Sheridan, K., Han, X., Cross, P.A., J., Lannelongue, S., Ammour, N and Petit "An Assessment of the RAIM Performance of a Combined Galileo/GPS Navigation System using the Marginally Detectable Errors (MDE) Algorithm ". The GPS Solutions Journal, 5(3), (2002), 42-51
(7) Ochieng, W.Y. and Sauer, K., "Urban Road Transport Navigation: Performance of GPS after Selective Availability". Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 10(3), (2002), 171-187.
(8) Ochieng, W.Y., Sauer, K., Cross, P.A., Sheridan, K., Iliffe, J., Lannelongue, S., Ammour, N and Petit, K., "Potential performance levels of a combined Galileo/GPS navigation system" Journal of Navigation, 54 (2), (2001), 186-197.
(9) Ochieng, W.Y., Sheridan, K., Han, X., Cross, P.A., J., Lannelongue, S., Ammour, N and Petit "Integrity Performance Models for a Combined Galileo/GPS Navigation System". Journal of Geospatial Engineering, 3(1), (2001), 21-32.
(10) Ochieng, W.Y. and Chen, W., "High Level Architectural and Programmatic Issues of the Galileo System" Journal of Geospatial Engineering, 2(2), (2000), 16-20.